
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas

This Christmas was very low key for us. We stayed home!!! It was just our little family of 4 (5 including Crash)...and we had a great time. Of course we missed our family, but it was nice to be home and not have any schedules to follow.

Christmas Eve we did some shopping, went to church, went out to eat and then came home to watch movies and eat snacks! After the kids went to bed we put out the gifts we had wrapped...and of course Santa came :)

Christmas morning Saffryn woke up and ran to Pierce's room where Pierce and I were playing. She was excited and actually remembered that it was a special day. We got Daddy who was still sleeping and came into the living room to see what was there. Saffryn ran straight to her pile of presents and she went ooohhh. Then she wanted to open them and play with everything! Pierce was the funniest little boy he stayed really far away during the gift opening and just played with this old pink hacky sack of Saffryn's. He literally stayed there for almost an hour. So I opened his gifts...hehe. He eventually warmed up and started exploring the gifts and goodies.

We spent the rest of the day playing with toys, eating snacks, went outside and just spent time together! It was really fun. Both of the kids were fighting off colds which was a major bummer though.

It is now the second day after Christmas and all the decorations and toys are put away...I KNOW...what a scrooge I am! I usually leave the decorations up until after New Years but with Dan being home I decided to just tackle it now and be done with it.

We are sitting by the tree opening gifts while he is sitting over there playing by himself...hahah!

He loves that old hacky sack...who would have figured?
I had planned to have a cute pj photo of her...but this is the outfit she chose: a top on backwards and underwear inside out :-/
Surrounded by toys! We are all so spoiled!!!!
Dan got the kids a remote control car...they both loved it! Pierce was always trying to chase after it.
He made it! Having fun together!
Pierce in his new hat getting ready to go outside!
Pierce and Momma
Safffryn in her new hat...trying to get a picture of her is SO hard!
Hat hair!
Daddy and baby
Well that was our quiet and relaxing Christmas this year! Looking forward to 2012 and all that it brings us!


  1. I love that Pierce was playing by himself during gift time...such a funny boy!

  2. What a wonderful Christmas you guys had! I love that Pierce stayed off to the side! How cute! And I love how Saffryn is picking out her own clothes! Such cutie pies you have!
