
Sunday, October 23, 2011


The kids and I just got back from a long weekend in Tulsa! We went with one of my best friends Erin. Erin and I met in college (we had the same major, Early Childhood Education...whoop whoop). We stayed in touch after college and now that we live in the same city have become closer than ever! She has 2 children around the same age as my two children. Saffryn just loves her kids and we spend a lot of time together. Why Tulsa you ask? Her parents live there and that made it a fun and affordable mini vacation for us!

We left Wednesday evening after supper and the kids slept basically the whole time. That was great because it gave Erin and I a chance to talk un-interrupted! Aahh the small luxuries in life!!!

A picture of the kids in the car. Saffryn and Liam in the back and the babies Pierce and Isabel in the middle. You can see the baby's little cute!

Thursday we woke up and went to a huge park! Saffryn loved getting to run around and play with Liam. We went to Sonic afterward and got some "special drinks" and came home for lunch and naps. After nap time we just relaxed outside and had fun together!

The babies all bundled up and watching the big kids play on the playground. Love them!!!!

Saffryn and Liam pretending to drive the jeep. hahah

Friday we went to a pumpkin patch. It was super fun...and free...which makes it more fun! We had lunch there and came home for naps. In the afternoon we once again just relaxed at home and played played played!

such cute kids!


He is a lovey!

Trying to pick up the big pumpkins. LOL

Watching the pony rides

Saffryn feeding the goats!

She even got to pet it.

Pierce was watching the animals, too.

Saturday we got a babysitter so Erin and I could go to lunch. What a treat! We went to an Irish restaurant called Kilkenny's and it was AMAZING! I am glad we don't have that restaurant because I would be eating there a lot. I mean like ALOT! After an adventurous ride home (I missed a turn...oops) we got home. The kids were kind of cranky and super tired. So we packed up, ate some dinner and hit the road.

The first hour of the drive was pretty rocky! We drove smack dap in the middle of a NASTY storm and our tired kids were in the back screaming/crying. But eventually the rain died down and everyone fell asleep! We got to have another couple of hours of talk time (which I LOVED).

It was such a great weekend. I can't say that there were no tantrums/meltdowns/frustrations because that would be a lie. But traveling with toddlers and babies there will ALWAYS be those moments. But it was also filled with some really fun memories and quality time that make those moments so beyond worth it.

The picture of our group together!

Thanks to Erin for inviting us along. Thanks to her parents and brother who were SO patient with my children. They were amazing hosts and showered my little family with love and attention! THANK YOU!

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