
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Toddlers...oh my the things I could say about them. Somedays you just want to pull out your hair...but I have found something out, a little secret....Do you want to hear it??? It has helped our days tremendously...ready for it???


Yup its that simple. When my toddler gets super sassy, says the weirdest things, is defiant and well you know acting like a toddler and I feel my stress and anger level start to go up I just laugh. And you know what happens...the tensions goes away. Saffryn starts laughing because I am laughing, Pierce starts laughing and Crash runs over and gives everyone lots of kisses. Then my day seems managable again. I suggest you try it! Then write down all the funny things they say or do..even if it is sassy or naughty. Then we can all laugh at them! Trust me some of these things are FUNNY if you let them reach you that way! Good luck!

Here are some of her spoken treasures..some are sweet, some are sassy and some just plain ol make me laugh!

"vacu boomer"....for vaccum cleaner

"oh look tiny trucks"...pointing at golf carts

"yes you did momma"...saying it in a good job tone

"give me some moochies"....trying to say in kiss

after not eating a good lunch she tells me "I'm hungry". i say i bet you are. you didnt eat any lunch. when you dont eat your lunch you get hungry. with a straight face she says, "no i dont". i say no you dont what? "no, I DONT get hungry when I don't eat my lunch." This one had the potential to annoy me tremendously..but oh its funny!

With her head down on the table at lunch I ask if she is getting tired..."NO...I'm just eating some cheetos."

Pointing to some #2's in the toilet. "look they are teeny tiny. They are swimming!!!"

"Good job hunny!" To me after I turned on the t.v

"I don't take naps, I play"---haha oh really?!?!

"Leave me alone"---can you believe she already says that???? hahaha so sassy!

"I do it!!!" Her favorite phrase!

I will be thinking and looking out for more. Be sure and enjoy a good laugh with your toddler. Its good for both of your souls!

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