
Monday, October 31, 2011

Gampa Gampa

My dad came into town this weekend...and we had a blast!!! Saffryn warmed up to him almost instantly! Instead of calling him Grandpa Darren she kept saying, "Gampa Gampa." My dad was such a great sport! He is a great Gampa Gampa! We dropped him off at the airport today and as he walked off Saffryn said, "Gampa Gampa comin back?" We already miss you Dad and are looking forward to your next visit! Here is some pictures of our weekend:

He was such a good sport and spent so much time in this doll house with her. He even taught her how to knock on the door! She is getting so good at pretending!

Gotta fill up the picnic basket

Playing playing playing

Went on a little picnic in the other room :)

She just LOVED playing with him!

Having a nice dinner of cupcakes and milk :)
Here they are playing with markers!


Saffryn pretending to talk on the phone...LOL!


A picture of all of us...except I cut off P's head...ooops!

This picture cracks me up...Pierce looks HUGE and my dad looks tiny! hahaha

Taking a break from all that playing to watch Beauty and the Beast

My dad treated us to Frozen Yogurt...yummy!!!

All four of us!

 Thanks for coming out Dad!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness I love this post! Your dad is so sweet :) I love that he's playing "house" and "tea party" with Saffryn...adorable!
