
Friday, October 7, 2011

4 & 5

So I missed Piercey boy's 4 month check up on here because of all the vacation blogging. So here is his 4 month and 5 month goings on!

4 months while in Utah

5 months

Such a big boy!!!!

4months: 19lbs 97% 24 inches I said..a BIG boy!!!

Wearing 9-12 month clothing, size 3 diapers

Blue eyes and his hair is turning blond and losing its curl.

My sweet baby boy is so much fun to have around! He is such a smiley boy with a super sweet and sensitive personality. But don't let that fool you...he is stubborn! He still wont take a bottle. LOL. Silly baby. My girlfriend finally convinced him to take a paci (which helped our road trip significanlty..THANKS ERIN)!!!!

So he started rolling both ways: front to back and back to front. He is also starting to inch-worm his way around. Its so funny it really does look like a Caterpillar. I have tried to get it on video but it he is pretty slow moving so it would take a lot of video..hehe.

So pooped out!

Big baby blues
It is so funny to me because my two children are so so different. Pierce has been waking up at weird since he has been sleeping through the night. At this age with Saffryn I started sleep training and slowly letting her "cry it out." She responded so positively to that. It really only took a couple of 15 minute cry outs for her to start sleeping through the night. Well this little boy is SO different. I have tried to let him cry for 10 or 15 minutes and unlike Saffryn who would just fall asleep he gets so mad. He is so upset by the end of the time that it takes me over an hour to put him back to sleep. I am going to have to learn new tricks for him :)

Starting to learn to sit up!!! Big boy :)
He is my little cuddle bug. He loves being held and kissed and nursed. I love it. I just love him. We all do. He is so special! He loves watching his big sis and Crash. He is starting to recognize his name now, too! SO fun. The doctor at his check up told me: "Wow he is advanced." Oh go really...if you must tell me how great my kids are...hehe. LOVE YOU PIERCE!

So sweet!
Happy 5 is going so fast. You are a big boy and a lovey.


  1. Our boys are so similar!! My Hollis boy is a BIG boy too!! He is super sensitive--I mean super duper and he is one laid back boy:) He too is a huge cuddle bug that LOVES his momma's milk:) It is seriously cracking me up that landrey was 19 lbs at one year and just now at 2.5 yrs hit the 30 lb mark and H man is almost 20 lbs at 4 months and he is eating less than she did:) I think that H is going to take after the Jensen side, broad shoulders and bigger boned and L is taking after the Ingwerson side, long and lean.

    Love your blog!! You such a fun momma!
