
Sunday, August 28, 2011

First Time

We have been talking about the potty in our house recently. We have been leaving the bathroom doors open (judge if you want to) so she can see us going to the bathroom. A couple of her friends have been sitting and using the potty, too! So she has been wanting to sit on the potty and go,too. So my sweet little girl has been sitting on the potty when it crosses her mind...and doing just that sitting! LOL. No potty at all. Not a big deal to us, I am not ready to potty train yet anyway. So I have just been letting her sit on the potty when she wants to and continue to talk about it and show her! Every once and a while she has told us that she was going potty while she was doing it in her diaper. We are getting closer :-)

So fast forward a little bit to today. She was sitting on the couch with me and I thought I smelled something. I checked her diaper and nothing. All clean. She looked up at me and said, "poopy". I said, " Are you about to go poopy?" " yup". Me, "Ok. Finish up." Then a little light bulb went off in her head and she said, "poopy in toilet. poopy in toilet!"

So we rushed to the bathroom, clothes off and on the toilet. She made a fake grunting noise and I figured it would be like before and she would just "sit". But then she got real serious and I asked her, " Is it coming?" She said, "It coming." AND IT CAME!!!!!!

Woooooohoooo! She is awesome! She flushed the poopy away and said, "I did it."!!! We are so so so proud of her! She is proud of herself! I really wasn't expecting success so soon!

Now we will continue to take cues from her. If she asks to go potty great. If she goes in her diaper no big deal. I really feel like for her to be successful it has to be on her terms.

Stay tuned for more adventures of potty time :-)

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