Just enjoying an afternoon of mani/pedis compliments of Saffryn. She is getting so good at doing nails!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
A Lesson on Pepper
So we have now had to fight this battle: "Can I do it myself??? I want to put it on my food."
We have tried explaining just how tricky these spices are. If you use a little it tastes great but if you use a lot it is very yucky. We also tried explaining just how hard the shakers are to use. But still every night we fight the same battle.
A couple of nights ago when Saffryn asked, "pleeeeeaaaaase can I do it?" Dan and I looked at each other and communicated through our eyes. We agreed non verbally that just maybe she should learn the lesson for herself. So we hand her the shakers and again tried to show her and tell her the best way to use them.
She quickly grabs the shakers and I can see her independence shining in her eyes. Everything we are saying is literally going in one ear and out the other. I swear you could almost see it. LOL! She grabs the peppers and turns in upside down for what seems like forever. She then grabs her spoon and takes a bite....and her eyes grow about three sizes bigger. "Oh! It is so spicy!" She drinks a huge drink of milk. She tries it again and realizes it is unetable.

She was then all ears on how to do it right. We showed her how you tip the shaker more to the side and gently shake it once or twice. She caught on so very quickly!!! She is now a salt and pepper pro!
There are so many things to learn when you are little :)
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Spoken Gem
Saffryn: "Mom, what is dad's name?"
Me: "D-a-n, Dan"
Saffryn: "And yours?"
Me: "Tylie, T-y-l-i-e"
S: "Pierce?"
Me: "P-i-e-r-c-e"
S: "Mine is S-a-f-f-r-y-n."
Me: "Yup! Good job!"
S: "We forgot Colt!!!"
Me: "C-o-l-t"
S: very excitedly "Yay!!! Colt has a name!!!"
Me: Burst out laughing "Of course he has a name! Everyone has a name!"
S: Very seriously "Yea...even bunny." You know special bunny.
Me: "Bunny, B-u-n-n-y."
S: "Mom it is S-a-f-f-r-y-n. Like me. We share a name. Did you know that?"
Me: Trying to keep a straight face. "Nope. Did not know that."
Apparently satisfied with the conversation she walks away. Only to stop and turn back and say, "Oh he has a B, too."
Okay crazy girl! Hahahah!!! Love her :)
Friday, February 15, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Pierce is talking up a storm! So fun!
Here are some of his words:
Faffine (Saffryn)
I do it
Buckle me (I want to buckle it)
Ya I do
Hep momma (help momma)
Wil bit (little bit)
Cawca (wildcat)
Appa juice
Wovey (lovey)
He knows all of his colors (except purple...he calls it blue.)
When asked what his name is he says, …Piecey
He has started taking his clothes of and can put his pants and shoes on
He has seemed to turn into a little boy and growing out of the toddler phase right before my eyes!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Little Treasures
I love when I find random things in places that don't belong. I can't help but smile and remember how great my kids are. There is something so sweet about it. So innocent. So very charming.
Here are a couple of examples:

Getting ready for bed I found this baby bunny on my bathroom sink. I am suddenly aware how sweet my girl is. How young. My heart is overflowing with joy and love.

I found princess books in our spatula drawer. What was she doing? What was she thinking? How it makes me chuckle. It is such a fun surprise. I am instantly thinking about our times reading these books together. I think about how she carries these books everywhere. The troubles of my day melt away. I just love her.

Once I found this. I couldn't help but laugh. A lot. I have no idea who did this. Were they working together? How weird!
The last example I have:

Dollies on the stairs. She was fast asleep when I found this. Oh so charming.
I will miss the days when I no longer find little treasures around the house!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Thursday, February 7, 2013
I decided to start small though and remembered flubber! It is super easy to make, pretty cheap and not terribly messy.

Recipe: equal parts glue and liquid starch (it is in the laundry isle). I used 1 cup of each. I also put a few drops of food coloring to give it a little something! Then you mix it together. There will be some liquid starch that stays in the bowl. That is okay! If it seems too sticky put it back in the liquid starch and mix it around. If it seems too juicy just keep playing with it and it will even out. Let it sit on the counter for just a minute or two then enjoy!

*It really isn't too messy but it WILL stick to clothes. So make sure your children are wearing play clothes!

It took a bit for Pierce to warm up to it.




They mixed colors and went to the kitchen and got some utensils so they could make dinner!

When you are done just put the flubber in an airtight bag and save it for another fun day!!!

This is a great activity for role playing (making dinner or other pretend things)! It also strengthens hands and fingers (which will help with writing). They are able to work on eye hand coordination. The exploration of different textures is great for brain development. Of course there is always sharing and language development that happens while playing!

And this guy got to spend some time jumping and playing!
Happy Thursday!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad