Monday, December 31, 2012

One Year Ago

Exactly one year ago I found out I was pregnant. I stared at that word "pregnant" on the test stick for a long time. I truly could not believe it. Am I really?!?! 3 children. 3 children under the age of 3. How do I explain that feeling of shock.

But 1 year later I sit here with my 3rd child and my heart is over flowing with joy and love. He is so perfect. We are all so in love with him. 2012 was a good year for us. During this year we got to welcome our son Colt Darren.

Having 3 children makes life very busy. Sometimes chaotic (who am I kidding all the time chaotic). But having 3 children is the biggest and best blessing God has given me. They challenge me to be a better person: more patient, more kind, more selfless. I love seeing the world through their eyes. I have found my true calling and I will forever be grateful that I got to experience raising them.

Dan and I literally cannot remember what life was like without them. Yes, somedays we dream of sleeping in and eating hot meals. We long for quite moments to relax. But we are continually encouraged by friends and family. We are encouraged by a God who loves us. We see their precious lives and are honored that we are trusted with them.

These children are something special. Each one of them. They are all unique and dearly loved. I didn't know 1 year ago what to expect. I had no idea the fun and joy that awaited me. The sweet eyes and the chubby cheeks that I would get to love. One year ago my life changed for the better.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Spoken Gems

Spoken gems with random pictures

Colt was getting a bit fussy while I was folding laundry so I asked Saffryn if she would play with him. So she goes over to him.
S: "Here chickee chickee chickee. Here chickee chickee chickee."
Colt gets a big smile on his face
S: "MOM he is smiling!!! He likes it when I talk to him.

As we were leaving our house there was a group of mom's talking at the bus stop right by our house. Saffryn looks at them, then looks back at me.
S: "You are the biggest momma."

I was singing a made up song about our kids. It was to the tune of where is thumb kin.
Me: "I love Saffryn, I love Saffryn. Yes I do. Yes I do. I love my little Saffryn I love my little Saffryn. Yes I do. Yes I do. Okay now it is Pierce's turn. I love my Pierce"
Pierce cuts me off saying, "Colt! Colt!!!"
Me: "You want me to sing about how much I love Colt?"
P: "Huh ho" translation uh huh
Such a sweet boy!

Pierce comes up to me saying, "Up momma up."
Me: "Buddy I cannot pick you up right now. Maybe you could ask your daddy."
Saffryn: "Come here Piercey. I will pick you up. I am so strong."
Pierce takes one look at her and takes off running.
Saffryn chases him saying, "Come here boy. I will pick you up. I am so strong."
She catches up to him grabs his waist and tries to pick him up. They both fall over and laugh!

Pierce was screaming trying to push my buttons and I let out an exasperated sigh.
Saffryn takes Pierce's hands and leads him to his room and says, "Pierce, I need to have a talk with you." They get to his room.
S: "It's not okay to yell at people. You don't talk to people like that. Okay buddy?"
P: "huh ho."
Saffryn gives him a hug and they both walk out and play nicely. LOL!

Learning to cough into their elbows!

Silly kiddos!!!

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Monday, December 10, 2012

Counting My Blessing

I have so much to be thankful for:

These are pots and pans I need to return to my friends. Why do I have them? Because they brought me dinner in them!!! And this is just a very small representation of how many people brought us meals (or gift cards for meals which is just as good!!!). Seriously you guys have blown Dan and me away these last 3 months! Thank you!!!

These flowers were given to me from a friend last week. She knew we were dealing with more sickness and wanted to give me something bright to cheer me up! Amazingly thoughtful! Thank you!!!

And can we please talk about this bad boy! It makes dinner so easy and not to mention delish! So so thankful for this!

I love looking through my pictures to find one of these! I am thankful for this funny girl!

I love this little boy full of personality!!!

I am so thankful for our newest Mahoney!

I am SO BEYOND thankful that I get to stay home with these sweeties! I love that I get to take them to do fun things, like special drinks!

Oh and take them grocery shopping! Haha!

I am so spoiled!

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Friday, December 7, 2012


Saffryn is so excited for our family coming for Christmas! She talks about them all the time and today drew these pictures:

We are so excited to spend Christmas with you guys!

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Super Duper Easy

Today we made some homemade ornaments. As the title suggests they are super duper easy!!! These are not going to be the kind that can be saved year to year, but they are fun...and easy. Did I mention that? Lol!

First buy some mints. Not all mints are the same. Some don't work as well. I prefer the target kind. Make sure it says made from peppermint oil. Not sure if that is the difference but those kind for sure work!

When you are ready to do this activity preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Next have your kids help unwrap them! This is a great way to practice fine motor development! If they are old enough they can eat some as they work. I chose not to do that (Saffryn probably could but Pierce is just too young so I thought to be fair I would say no across the board) and my kids didn't mind. So don't let that discourage you from doing this!

Put some wax or parchment paper on a cookie sheet.

Then have your children help you put the mints in a circle. Be sure to leave lots of room in the middle!

Then put them in the oven. Watch them melt together. It takes about 5 minutes or so. Don't be discouraged if at first it doesn't seem to be doing anything, it will melt. Then take them out to cool.

I turn the light on so the kids can watch!

Remember when I said to leave enough space in the middle?

Otherwise this happens and you really want this

Then you put a ribbon around it and find the perfect spot on the tree!

If it stays sticky you can use some hairspray on it to act as a shellac!

Super Duper Easy. And fun. Both of my kids loved doing this. Oh and you can sneak a mint if you are as obsessed with peppermint as I am. Just sayin....

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sensory Time

Since we were once again cooped up in our house thanks to germs I thought I would have the kids help me in the kitchen. I got their hands all washed and made a big to do about baking some pumpkin bread! (Recipe from my mother-in-law. Get it from my sweet sister-in-laws blog here).

We get into the kitchen and I start getting the ingredients out only to realize we are out of eggs. Oh yea...I used them all up during breakfast. Shoot! What kind of goof doesn't remember they used up all the eggs and wont be able to bake? ME!!!! Ugh. Mom brain strikes again.

The kids were super disappointed and wanted to help me in the kitchen. What to do?What to do?

What about a sensory time?!?! I found some old oatmeal in the pantry. BOOM! Go me!

The kids had a blast! They loved dumping, stirring, filling up the oatmeal container and tasting it. They probably had more fun doing this than they would have baking with me because I was not constantly telling them "No". Lol!

Oh and the best part. Oatmeal is so much easier to clean up than flour! I think I have found my new go to sensory item!!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

3 Years Old

I can hardly believe miss Saffryn is 3!

She weighs 31 lbs 50% and was in the 86% for height. She is wearing 4t clothes and size 9 shoes.

She is a hoot and a holler.

This little girl has a big personality!!! She loves to talk....but only to people she feels comfortable with. She loves to be silly and act crazy. She wants constant attention and hates to be by herself (just like her mother)! She wears me out! LOL!!!

She is a creature of habit and likes things to be just so. She is a people pleaser deep down and so wants praise. She is a deep thinker and has a hard time shutting off her mind. She fights sleep constantly and will push herself to the edge. She is a great eater and will try lots of new foods. She loves special drinks!!!

She is really loyal and has a big heart. She is kind and compassionate. She loves her brothers and has made a great older sister. Her imagination has just taken off recently. She loves to play with dollies and does the funniest things with them. She still loves special bunny and takes him everywhere. She loves music and dancing. She can be a huge help to me! She is sassy and witty. She has us laughing all the time!!! Like I said she wears us out because she is so busy and needs/wants so much from us.

It has been so much fun watching her grow and learn these last 3 years! I am so proud of the little girl she is turning into!!! We sure love you crazy, intense and special girl!

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18 months

Pierce is 18 months old!

He weighs 26lbs 55% and is in the 65% for height. He is wearing 2t clothes, size 5 diapers and size 6 shoes. Still has white blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

He has found his voice both literally and figuratively!!! He is talking so much. He repeats everything we say now and can communicate using words. It is so much fun to listen to him. He has mastered the word, "no" and says it with so much sass! He has realized that he has opinions and maybe doesn't just want to do what is asked of him. It is really hard no to laugh when he says no. He will even say "no way" sometimes. So funny!!!

He is mr. go with the flow! He is super laid back and isn't too easily rattled. He is truly a great listener and can be very obedient! However he has a bit of mischief in him, too. He is very busy and loves to push the physical limits. He tests boundaries and has found ways to push Saffryn's (and my) buttons. Lol!!!

He seems more and more like a little boy and less like a baby. He doesn't like to be left out of anything. He hates having to take naps, but always sleeps for several hours so I know he is tired. He sleeps great at night! He is my reliable sleeper!

His new favorite food is French toast! He can easily eat three whole pieces! Haha! He prefers juice over milk. He loves caya ( Still carries his lovey blanket everywhere. He is obsessed with Colt. He loves Crash, trucks, balls, books and music. He is learning to sing along to lots of different songs.

He is a charmer. Quick to smile and love. He has a big heart and is a joy to be around...even when he is feisty! I keep thinking we are close to potty training him because he is showing lots of signs. I actually got him to poopy in the potty and it scared him! LOL! Now he wants nothing to do with it. So I will be patient and let him take his time!

He is such an easy kid. Often he will go off and just play by himself. He is so low maintenance. He is so so much fun. We are all crazy about him!

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3 months

I feel so behind on these monthly posts for the kids so I will try and catch up!

Littlest boy Colt is now 3 months old!

He weighs 18 lbs!!! Sheesh! He is in 6-9 month clothes and is in size 2 diapers but when this box is done will be moving up to size 3! Big boy!

He is so so sweet! He is really starting to open up and play and interact. He loves to be held and has started to love sitting up (with assistance of course). He is an excellent sleeper and has started sleeping through the night! That is the bonus of having a huge baby! LOL!!!

He has beautiful blue eyes. I think he has such special eyes. They are the kind that you look at and can see straight to their soul. I can just tell he has the most beautiful soul. I told Dan that once and he started laughing and said, "Wow! Biased much???" I had to laugh, too! Of course I am biased! I am and will always be Colt's number one fan! But seriously...most beautiful little spirit.

Colt's number 2 fan is his older brother. Pierce ADORES him. I literally cannot keep him away (which when Pierce is sick with say...hand, foot, is incredibly stressful). I love that they already have a strong bond. I see so many adventures in their future!

It can be hard being the 3rd but he is not lacking love.

I could not be crazier about our new addition! It is such a joy being his mom. I feel so lucky getting to raise him. Now if only we can keep him healthy through the winter. So far not getting so lucky. He is battling RSV and handling it like a trooper. When he gets well I think I am going to brave putting the boys together. Wish me luck!

Colt is awesome! I love him. The end.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

D'yer Mak'er

This video is proof that my children just come out wanting to rock! ;)

Check it out here.

But before you go you must know 2 things:

1: I know I am not the world's great need to point that out to me. Okay?!?! Ok great. Moving on...

2: Also needing to be noted is what a great sport this little guy is. He is sick with rsv and can still hang with the best of them. Serious Trooper. And yes I am SO OVER THE SICKNESS THAT IS IN MY HOUSE...

Hope you enjoyed. It is always good to pull the Led out :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I am thankful I get to be the mom of these kids! Even when the days are hard. Even when the nights are long.

Somehow the smiles are sweeter and their cuteness makes up any lost ground! Hahah!

But seriously being a mom is awesome. And God gave me just the perfect Saffryn, Pierce and Colt. I couldn't have picked them better myself!


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Eat Your Heart Out

This video seems to not work when I post it to Facebook so I am going to try it here.

Saffryn got this buhtar (guitar) for her birthday from my mom! I handed it to her and she did the rest! Future rockstar?!?! I think so...

YouTube Video

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Monday, November 19, 2012

In The Moment

It can be really hard for me to live "in the moment." Especially when the moments look like this:

-another sick and cranky kid in our house.

-this room was spotless less than 24 hours ago. Sigh

But even in "those" moments if I stop for just a second I can see a sweet moment.

-kids sharing and loving each other.

Or I can find a sweet face.

So now I will take a deep breath and thank God for new days and special kids!

Here's to trying to live in each moment with my kids!!!

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